am glad you have had good success ( if you consider an early battery failure a success) with your bikes, soo many so fast, and you , unlike I, have a dealership you can work with. my nearest dealership is 52 miles away and I cannot go into details because we are currently in litigation about some things, So I Asked California for help, they referred me to a dealership over 200 miles away, that dealership said they couldn't help and calif was not giving them support to answer my QUESTIONS, much less supplying parts. Again . congratulations on a great dealership and may you enjoy all your bikes. IF I ever get mine on the road again, I might enjoy it also. Despite the ridiculously small turn ratio, excessive top heaviness, and whining noises, bad braking, and inability to lift it to rotate tires to check them for cuts, bulges, etcetc like should be done with tires,
Been to Reno a couple times, for a Florida boy, I love the drier climate and the heat isn't really an issue. Lack of alligators and pythons is another big plus.