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Why is this forum so dead?


New member
Jun 12, 2017
Reno, NV or Auburn, CA
2017 Zero DS ZF 6.5/ 2017 SR w/ pwr tank
I am just curious why nobody posts in this forum. All the Zeros are in the electric motorcycle forum, but no activity here.

What will it take to get some activity here?

-Don- Reno, NV (I own two Zeros)
Not sure.. I just think people do not know about it.
Well, I did tell one Zero owner about it and he was shocked this forum even existed.

I guess the electric motorcycle forum has been around longer and is more established and has many Zero owners there.

-Don- Auburn, CA
Not sure.. I just think people do not know about it.
I mentioned this forum in the electric motorcycle forum and I got this reply, referring to THIS forum:

"I've tried a few times to register on that site over the past few weeks and it errors out every time. I would imagine that's contributing to low activity there if people are getting errors when trying to register, post, etc."

IMO, that is probably the main problem here. If people cannot log on to register, you're not going to get any new members here.

-Don- Reno, NV
it still took 2 tries to get a confirmation email recieved, New guy here , joined today 30 sep 2020
I don't know the answer to your question, but I have the same question. I have no problem getting in to the site. The site is well presented and easy to use. I like how easy it is to post pictures here, without having to have a 3rd party host. It is frustrating to see this forum not being used more. I posted something silly, that I did to my FXS, hoping to get some kind of response. Until you came along 2 1/2 months later, it drew a complete 0. I guess that could be expected in a Zero forum, but seriously, this place needs a little bit of life.

MikeyMarine, post something about yourself. Do you have a Zero? If so, tell us about it. If you DON'T have a Zero, are you looking/wanting/???, and if so, what do you want? Have you had other bikes?
Hi , Fifty3 Ihave a couple posts explaining why I m here, I'm 63 years old and am hoping to have a decent electric bike before I am too old to ride, I posted a bunch of questions to get some information about buying a Zero, My burgman 650 is my 4th bike, but I started riding late, at about 50.
My first bike was a HOnda Metropolitan, which, thank God was stolen, the second was a burgman 400, (a pig ate it) and the third was another 400, hac it a whole week and 80 miles before a lady on her cell phone totaled it (and me), Then I got the 650 , I figured to keep it till I got an electric, and have been shopping for a while. Almost bought the harley livewire till I found out it has a programmable sound. I can ignore a lot of stupid stuff, but that was just ,,,,,,,, .
I think this forum is and will be dead due to lack of riders to contribute, just not enough zeros out there to show on the radar. This leads me to believe zero will be a failing market and have no longevity/reliability as a company and If I see the same level of response after 3 months I will abandon Zero and move on to another maker. Zero will be the 4th manufacturer eliminated. Too bad as I have the funds and time to enjoy some toys now.
The problem with going to another maker is, Zero is probably the premier maker and anything else will not be as good. I have been interested in e-bikes for several years and simply couldn't justify spending the dollars when those same dollars would buy a MUCH better ice bike. I just got "lucky" and found a used fxs for about half of the new price. If you go to a dealer and do the test ride, you will probably buy one. It is a lot of fun until something goes wrong. Any adjustments or maintenance seem to require on-line assistance from the factory. The dealer can't do it without connecting to the factory. You, as an owner, certainly can't do the work. Go to the ZERO website and download the owners manual to see how little info is available. No service manual is available. You are totally at the mercy of the Zero dealer and the Zero factory. Like I said, earlier, Zero is probably the premier brand for e-bikes.

Some of my observations from my limited (3 1/2 months) experience with my 2016 FXS are:
The Good:
This is the 53rd motorcycle I have owned, and I don't believe any of the ones that came before it have put a bigger smile on my face.
I don't usually do long rides, so recharging time is not an issue. I recharge after every ride and it rarely takes much over an hour.
I am 72 years old and have a 30" inseam, so I really appreciate the low (32.9") seat height.
The 251# curb weight (almost 400# less than your Burgman) makes it easy to move around the garage without worrying about injuring myself.
The main sound I hear when I ride it is the wind. It is REALLY quiet, and that was the 2nd biggest selling point for me.
Which brings us to the #1 selling point: Be sure you have plenty of straight road in front of you when you twist the handle, because the quiet, unbelievable acceleration will sneak up on you.
The Bad:
If/when it breaks you can't fix it. See the 1st paragraph above for more detail.
It seems to me that Zero's solution to problems with the bike is replacement of major components rather than finding and fixing the root problem. You don't want to know how much a motor, motor controller, battery control module, or battery cost. My bike is out of warranty, so all of the co$t of repairs would fall on me. If you buy a Zero, buy new. With a 3-year warranty, you should escape any big repair costs (assuming the company stays in business). With the newly announced alliance with Polaris, Zero should have a much brighter future.
the merger itself is another indication of unsustainability, like chrysler corporation, it just didn't have what it takes, Polaris beware!
after owning a Zero Sr for 4 months, I can guess that the reason this forum is dead is because people are ashamed of owning such a poorly supported bike, (and not such a great piece of equipment either) sure it accelerates kinda fast, So docrotch rockets and they have manufacturers support, bujt the turn raduius is horroble, it is extremely top heavy and steering around curves is much harder than iit should be, belt noise makes it louder than my burgman. no availability of accesssories is a pain. I had tgo have a crash bar manufactured from scratch, and there is still no luggage/storage available and no support from the dealers/manufacturers. All in all I would sell it for half price just to be rid of the damg thing
after owning a Zero Sr for 4 months, I can guess that the reason this forum is dead is because people are ashamed of owning such a poorly supported bike, (and not such a great piece of equipment either) sure it accelerates kinda fast, So docrotch rockets and they have manufacturers support, bujt the turn raduius is horroble, it is extremely top heavy and steering around curves is much harder than iit should be, belt noise makes it louder than my burgman. no availability of accesssories is a pain. I had tgo have a crash bar manufactured from scratch, and there is still no luggage/storage available and no support from the dealers/manufacturers. All in all I would sell it for half price just to be rid of the damg thing
I have owned two Zeros a 2017 SR and a 2017 DS. Both have side cases and a travel trunk and crash bars are available from Zero, so I have no idea what you're even talking about. And service has been fine as well. I had my 2017 DS 6.5 battery replaced under warranty and got a 7.2 KWH for free.

See the Zero accessory catalog here.

-Don- Reno, NV
I am glad you have had good success ( if you consider an early battery failure a success) with your bikes, soo many so fast, and you , unlike I, have a dealership you can work with. my nearest dealership is 52 miles away and I cannot go into details because we are currently in litigation about some things, So I Asked California for help, they referred me to a dealership over 200 miles away, that dealership said they couldn't help and calif was not giving them support to answer my QUESTIONS, much less supplying parts. Again . congratulations on a great dealership and may you enjoy all your bikes. IF I ever get mine on the road again, I might enjoy it also. Despite the ridiculously small turn ratio, excessive top heaviness, and whining noises, bad braking, and inability to lift it to rotate tires to check them for cuts, bulges, etcetc like should be done with tires,
Been to Reno a couple times, for a Florida boy, I love the drier climate and the heat isn't really an issue. Lack of alligators and pythons is another big plus.
am glad you have had good success ( if you consider an early battery failure a success) with your bikes, soo many so fast, and you , unlike I, have a dealership you can work with. my nearest dealership is 52 miles away and I cannot go into details because we are currently in litigation about some things, So I Asked California for help, they referred me to a dealership over 200 miles away, that dealership said they couldn't help and calif was not giving them support to answer my QUESTIONS, much less supplying parts. Again . congratulations on a great dealership and may you enjoy all your bikes. IF I ever get mine on the road again, I might enjoy it also. Despite the ridiculously small turn ratio, excessive top heaviness, and whining noises, bad braking, and inability to lift it to rotate tires to check them for cuts, bulges, etcetc like should be done with tires,
Been to Reno a couple times, for a Florida boy, I love the drier climate and the heat isn't really an issue. Lack of alligators and pythons is another big plus.
Well, I have also heard several such stories, even here in Reno but not with the current shop. I purchased my Zero DS from a different shop where they obviously didn't have a clue how to work on them, caused some big complaints and they were no longer allowed to handle Zeros.

Perhaps what happens is the one mechanic who understands electric vehicles quits one shop and gores to another. Perhaps a common problem. Who is to blame when that happens?

But since then, another shop took over and so far, I have no complaints, but the battery failure under warranty was my only issue and yes, that is VERY MUCH a great success since it cost me nothing and the bike now has much better range than the day I purchased it. How can I complain about that?

Now if only my SR batteries will also fail soon! Then that bike would go from the current 16.3 KHW worth of batteries to 18 KWH at no cost to me. But that bike still has as much range as it ever did. So those two batteries are still fine.

I have around 13,000 miles each of my Zeros.

I had a front wheel ABS sensor crap out on my SR during warranty, but for $50.00, I replaced it myself instead of bringing the bike to the shop.

I get Zero parts from AF1 racing.

FWIW, I like the reptiles in FL (but the python doesn't really belong there). Herpetology is a hobby of mine and I would love to check out Florida. But I have never been there, but I always wanted to visit the Everglades. Someday, I probably will.

-Don- Reno, NV
That sensor and it's part number and removal and installation procedure are my current problem! I have a bearing failure in the front wheel, but cannot access the bearing because the sensor is in the way and I have heard it is fragile if removed incorrectly. I wanted a replacement on hand if i broke it while changing the bearing. Would you please share some knowledge on it? Thanks in advance
That sensor and it's part number and removal and installation procedure are my current problem! I have a bearing failure in the front wheel, but cannot access the bearing because the sensor is in the way and I have heard it is fragile if removed incorrectly. I wanted a replacement on hand if i broke it while changing the bearing. Would you please share some knowledge on it? Thanks in advance
I had no problem at all replacing the front wheel ABS sensor. Was an easy job.

My SR ABS light was on all the time while riding. So I checked the resistance of the rear ABS sensor and it was 50K ohm. I compared that to the front ABS sensor and it was infinite resistance showing it was open . IIRC, the leads to both sensors are behind the headlight assembly at connectors.

This is my 2017SR front wheel ABS wheel sensor. Part number ZM45-07496 at AF1 racing. $35.38 is the price.

-Don- Reno, NV
I had no problem at all replacing the front wheel ABS sensor. Was an easy job.

My SR ABS light was on all the time while riding. So I checked the resistance of the rear ABS sensor and it was 50K ohm. I compared that to the front ABS sensor and it was infinite resistance showing it was open . IIRC, the leads to both sensors are behind the headlight assembly at connectors.

This is my 2017SR front wheel ABS wheel sensor. Part number ZM45-07496 at AF1 racing. $35.38 is the price.

-Don- Reno, NV
thanks, sorry I mislead you , the exciter ring the part that goes around with the wheel .rotor , or whatever its called inside the hub, in front of the bearing is what I need, any ideas?