Adios To Zero Motorcycles


New member
After only two years of ownership and the long list of issues that I was having with it during that time. This bike was a "Lemon" and Zero Motorcycles has agreed to purchase it back from me. So I am saying "Goodbye" to Zero Motorcycle as a result.

I had a lot of accessories that I installed onto this bike and just recently removed them all. I have a set of Zero Handguards and their Rain Guard. All other items are universal aftermarket parts. If anyone is interested in an item, please send me a PM.

Some of these items will be used on a replacement bike, which will not be a Zero.

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New member
After only two years of ownership and the long list of issues that I was having with it during that time. This bike was a "Lemon" and Zero Motorcycles has agreed to purchase it back from me. So I am saying "Goodbye" to Zero Motorcycle as a result.
I own a couple of 2017 Zero bikes (DS & SR with Pwr Tank) and out of the eight bikes I own (the other six are ICE bikes), I ride my electric bikes the most by far. I have not had any real problems (other than trying to charge on a ridiculously hot day < 115°F> just after a hard ride).

I am curious what type of problems you have had.

I think it was nice of Zero to buy back your problem bike.

But perhaps the newer ones are more reliable and you will probably have much better luck. You might not have to say goodby if you enjoy the ride on them as much as I do.

-Don- Auburn, CA